Green Hosting with print and Web DesignerWebsite hosting is one of the most important parts of your Raleigh or Cary business. While it’s invisible to you most of the time, website hosting is what keeps your website running. At Print and Web Designer, we rely on hosting providers who run a “green” operation.


What is Hosting?

Confused about hosting? That’s OK. Many business owners do not know what the term “hosting” really means. Here is an explanation: Websites are stored on special computers called servers. Hosting is offering a space on your server for us to save all the files that make up your website. A hosting server may be stored anywhere, whether it’s someone’s house or in a large data center. (Professional hosting services are in the latter.) Your website may be hosted on a server in another state or even another country.

Hosting Providers

You may not care where your website is hosted. As a business owner, you simply want hosting that works. If you are choosing hosting on your own, however, you also want a hosting provider with excellent customer service. The hosting providers are the people you will call or contact when your website goes down or if you accidentally delete something important.

You can host with big companies whose names you recognize: GoDaddy, DreamHost, HostGator, and others. These services are inexpensive. But please note that your website will share server space with other websites. This may not be an issue at first, but if your website receives a lot of traffic, you may need to move to a different type of hosting plan.

Hosting Gone Green

By 2020, the web hosting industry will surpass the airline industry in environmental pollution. Wow. Think about that for just a moment. Even with thousands of airplanes taking off and landing each day, servers are going to cause more pollution very soon. That’s because hosting servers use a lot of energy, most of which comes from fossil fuels. Each web hosting server produces 1390 pounds of CO2 each year, and there are thousands and thousands of servers, with more added all the time.

That’s why we choose to work with GreenGeeks, the most eco-friendly web host service in existence. GreenGeeks is a recognized EPA Green Power Partner; they use wind energy, putting back three times the power they use into the grid. Plus, they offer all the hosting services Triangle business owner need, including different types of hosting and excellent customer service.

If you have questions about hosting your website, contact us for guidance.