Composite image of people holding up the letters spelling keywords.The digital marketing landscape is a world of its own. It comprises of elements, unlike conventional marketing. One of the main elements of digital marketing is keywords.

Keywords have been around for a long time. They are the linchpin between what your target audience is searching for and what you’re doing to meet those needs. Using the right combination of keywords enables your business website or blog to show up when customers search the terms.

What are Keywords?

Basically, keywords are either singular words or complex phrases that are used in written copies. The words are indexed and attract organic traffic to your website. However, just using the words in the content is not enough is just the beginning.

Keywords have to properly targeted and optimized to not only attract the right kind of audience to your website but also meet customer requirements and search intent.

If you look at it from the searcher’s perspective, keywords are essentially the words and phrases they type into the search engine. When you’ve optimized the keywords effectively, the searcher is able to find the most relevant content.

Why are keywords important?

From the get-go, keywords were the primary way businesses communicated with search engines about the topics they were covering. The most you use the keyword in your content, the better chances it has of showing up on the search engine.>/p>

Keywords essentially bring attention and awareness to your page. The algorithm of the search engine picks up the keyword and then ranks it. If you leverage your keywords the right way, your blog or landing page will be higher up in the ranking; i.e. it will show up on the first or first few pages on the search engine.

This way you can bring more visitors to your website, giving you the chance to convert as many as possible with relevant content that answers their queries.

In the past, this led to many businesses stuffing their content with keywords regardless of the context. This tricked the search engine and resulted in their websites showing up higher in the ranks. But this didn’t work too well as it hurt the user experience.

To sort out this problem, Google created various algorithms and metrics to filter out keyword spamming. Semantic search has helped rank those websites that utilize the keywords to actually answer customer queries effectively.

It looks at the larger picture and understands the context of the content to pull up more applicable search results for the users. Thus, your website is able to provide a more rounded user experience.

In this day and age of semantic search, it’s important that you utilize keyword research to understand your target audience and familiarize yourself with the topics you’re covering. Print & Web Designer can help you in that endeavor. Send us a message at to get started.